#9. Classmate Blog Critique
It is the time of year again in which I choose some of my favorite blogs in class (I've done this in multiple classes in my college career hence the "again," if you didn't get it.) It's always tough choosing which blogs to write about because everyone in the class has something great about their blogs, these are just a few I thought stood out in a way or attracted me with either their subject matter or their style as a whole.
Suzanne Lanoue
I don't think I'm alone in thinking Suzanne puts us all to shame when it comes to amount of content within the blogs. She writes long and informational blogs and often gets them done far earlier than I do ahead of time. She also provides a great number of links. Her blog on binge watching has a section that is seemingly more links than white words, which is impressive and great attention to detail.
She writes well rounded blogs that don't only focus on the assignment or her opinions on a specific topic, they are usually well rounded and also have a word count far greater than it takes to get an A in the class which an inspiration in and of itself.
Forest Pierce
One thing I share with Forest Pierce is a love for film. He, like myself, tend to steer our projects/blogs more towards the film and entertainment angle. While we might differ some when it comes to preferred genres or periods, it's still nice to have someone in class that speaks English (well, film English.)
And there are some of his blogs about some things I had a vague familiarity with and learned more about through his blog. For example, I watched Ultraman quite a bit as a kid and he wrote a whole blog detailing the importance of Ultraman in Japan (even as much to call him their equivalent to our Mickey Mouse.)
Anna Kirksey
I'm always jealous of Anna's blogs, something about them seem more professional than mine. Anytime an assignment sounds a little vague, hers is one of the blogs I frequent to try and get an idea what the blog (or other work in these classes) is supposed to be all about. Also her topics are more diverse in that they aren't as much about pop culture, entertainment, or technology as the rest of the blogs (I tend to tie my assignments (even if very loosely) to pop culture in some way.) Her blogs tend to do all of the things we're told to do but does each of them in a very solid manner.
I might work on a blog and slack off in links and give lots of pictures or have one pictures but a boatload of links, but Anna puts her blogs together with plenty of links, video links (with pictures) and also writes more directly and to the point than I do at the very least. She also separates some links for the end that work as a sort of works cited which seems more grown up to me than just linking words in the blog alone. (If nobody clicks on them they won't know that you referenced them.)
Houston Taylor
Houston's blogs are usually a treat to look at. They are aesthetically pleasing as well as informative. Not totally in this class, but in other classes we have had similar ideas about topics. In that way, I agree with some of his opinions about certain things like his blog about the trend of rebooting long cancelled tv shows for the sake of nostalgia.
I also like how he sets up his blog, separating bursts of texts with video links or a graphic to help enhance what he is talking about. One thing I tend to look at when looking at blogs are how the links are arranged and what a video link does for the blog as a whole. I don't totally have appealing images and sometimes my links are "joke links" so in a way I prefer how Houston does his blog because it seems more mature and knowledgeable (also in another blog class he embedded tweets and I still don't know how to do that.)
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