In Denville Township, New Jersey the local police department is asking it's residents and businesses to enlist their surveillance cameras into a registry that will allow the department to ask for copies of footage should they need it for any investigations.
According to the Capt. Keith Partin, they aren't looking to watch what people are doing at all times, but to have the ability to ask for footage during certain times of certain days to help add some perspective to any given investigation.
In recent years, surveillance has been a big part in solving cases. In 2013, it was surveillance footage that caught the Boston Marathon Bombers.
Having businesses register their cameras would also be a great help. There was a case in which a man was believed to have murdered his wife, and it was the Lowe's surveillance footage that caught him buying the murder weapon (a hammer.)

The use of the cameras around town is to create some sort of Virtual Crime Watch. If the businesses and residents agree, it could help police catch criminals in whatever areas the footage might have been caught. So far only 6 surveillance owners have registered but they hope to get more on their side.
The general idea is to have a virtual version of a neighborhood watch. Similar ideas have sparked in other towns and has proved beneficial to the department. Residents and Businesses registered are allowed to refuse to show the footage according to many police interviews.
Super Bowl LII (52 (I didn't know that)) brought many great advertisements during the "big game," but none were as interesting as that of the film The Cloverfield Paradox.
The Cloverfield Paradox is the third film in the 'Cloverfield' franchise. These series of movies have been known to have an interesting marketing strategy, but many agree that the one for 'Paradox' was the most risky/cool.
The original Cloverfield film kickstarted the unique marketing by flashing its trailer in front of 2007's Transformers. The trailer was vague, not even introducing a title, just the release date 1-18-08. From there, if someone looked up the release date they would be sucked into a wormhole of various websites alluding to a company's illegal plotting's that lead to the capsizing of an oil tanker that awakens a monster under the sea that wreaks havoc on New York.
The viral marketing for the film was intoxicating. The main characters of the film all had their own MySpace webpages, one of the characters works for the company mentioned previous, the company has many subsections that also deal with the monster. The marketing didn't necessarily do anything to affect the film, but it packaged more around the film as supplementary content that audiences could look into or not.
After the success of Cloverfield back in 2008, fans were clamoring for a sequel. It wasn't until almost 10 years later when, on January 15, 2016 Bad Robot dropped the trailer what seemingly was a sequel titled 10 Cloverfield Lane. The film looked different from the original and how it was connected was a mystery, but the fact that the cries for a sequel were answered was satisfying enough. Even more satisfying is that the trailer announced the release date of the film which was less than 2 months away
from the time the trailer dropped. (for those who don't know, a film tends to release a trailer many more months in advance.) The film also had an interactive viral marketing campaign.
Now to 'Paradox.' It was after 10 Cloverfield Lane that the fans finally thought they were up to Bad Robot's game. 10 Cloverfield Lane was originally a film titled 'The Cellar' that was retitled and slightly retooled as a Cloverfield sequel. Fans looked at the films in Bad Robot's slate and figured a film called The God Particle had the makings of a Cloverfield film. The film was mostly done, small, had a high concept sci-fi logline, extremely secret, and produced by J.J. Abrams. For about 4 months, fans were wondering when the film would be released, for no viral marketing had started and it seemed about due for this movie to have a trailer coming out or SOMETHING.
Finally, after long silence, news had been kicking around that the film might move to Netflix for an April release. Not long after that the Tagruato website (the company related to the monster in Cloverfield) had some activity detailing a space flight they were funding.
Then, out of nowhere, on the Super Bowl, the first trailer for the, now titled, Cloverfield Paradox debuted and was going to be released on Netflix right after the game. Keep in mind that "God Particle" was known as placeholder title meaning that they released the title, the trailer, AND the film all on the same day with it's marketing strategy spanning only a few hours as opposed to a few months or even years.

The film, over all, was just okay if not a smidgen confusing, but it was exciting to see what it sets up for the future of the Cloverfield franchise. Cloverfield 4 is being speculated to be a film called Overlord, a film set in World War II where the Nazi's have supernatural means on their side. The film is meant to be released in October 2018 and the title is expected to be changed to [Insert Cloverfield Something].
I hate my phone with a passion. This is real. Yesterday (February 7th, 2018) I paid my phone bill, opting for the slightly cheaper plan of 45 dollars instead of my prepaid 55 dollar plan. In doing so there was something wrong with my phone. It wouldn't connect to the internet. Now this is probably a company problem so I called them 3 times and 3 times they couldn't do anything so I have taken a break from that. My phone has already upset me time and time again and now I have officially decided that I am going to think seriously about getting a new, but cheap, cellular device.
The device that is all the buzz around the market today as the best phone for 200 dollars or less is the Honor 7X. The Honor 7X is a phone made by Huawei and the phone is sold unlocked meaning you can choose your own carrier.
The phone I currently have is a defective LG Stylo 2. I say defective because it doesn't connect to WiFi unless I am standing within 5 feet of a router and the WiFi is strong. This is an especially big turn of because any normal phone can connect to WiFi. And, now, my phone wont connect to internet on it's own data making my phone nothing more than what the original intent was which is to call people (and text but that wasn't the original intent with the very first ringy dingy phone thingy.)

With that out of the way, lets look at the phones comparatively. My phone has a 5.7 inch screen display whereas the Honor 7X has a 5.9 inch screen. I had a phone that barely passed 5.5 inches so the LG Stylo was great for my large hands and sausage fingers. My only issue is that it gets in the way sometimes with its size. Pocket space is a small sacrifice to pay when it comes to large screens. Even though I'm not really looking for a bigger phone, the extra size is nice. The Honor 7X has the ability to run 1080p which is something my LG can't do. The LG can only run 720p and has the screen ratio of 16:9 which is important because the big draw to the Honor 7X is that it's screen ratio is 18:9. Apparently, according to reviews, this looks really good on the Honor 7X.
One thing I will miss about my LG Stylo is its nifty stylus. I don't use it much but it does have some good "sitting on the toilet" fare, for you could sit and doodle to your heart's content.
I'm not much of a camera guy, but I do like taking the occasional "pic" every once and a while. The camera on the LG Stylo 2 is 13 megapixels and the front facing camera (I hardly use it) is 5 mp. I was impressed with the camera when I first got the phone, but now I do see how it could be better. It doesn't take photos in the dark all that well and the focus is always annoying. The Honor 7X has a 16 mp camera and a 8 mp front camera.
Battery is mostly important to me. I get an amount of anxiety if my phone's charge dips lower than 15%. The LG Stylo has a decent battery. It usually lasts me all day and there is nothing a 15 min charge break in the middle of the day can't fix. The Honor 7X has a bigger screen so there is a hit when it comes to battery. Reviews say it lasts pretty well going for 10 hours straight playing a video on a loop. I'm rarely "hardcore" on my phone so it could probably handle my general browsing and networking needs.